First & last nameRev. Jordan Senner
Graduate Year2014
Currently in MinistryYes
Job TitleRev.
Organization NameHoly Trinity Anglican Church
City, State/ProvinceNewport Beach, CA
Short BioOver the past 14 years, God has been equipping and empowering Jordan to fulfill the calling that he had laid upon his life as a young biology student at Biola University: to be a pastor, to shepherd and build up the Church. Jordan has served in ministry capacities at St. John’s Vancouver Anglican Church in Vancouver, BC while obtaining his Master of Divinity from Regent College. For the last few years, Jordan has been pursuing, and is near completion of, his PhD in Theology from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. As an ordained priest in the Anglican Network in Canada, Jordan brings his depth of understanding of liturgy and sacraments to our congregation. Jordan’s depth of biblical knowledge, humble wisdom, and thoughtful listening were stand out characteristics to the Holy Trinity Church Council.