Dear Friends of Artizo,

I am writing to you to update you on what is happening with The Artizo Institute.

First of all, I am happy to report that we had a very successful “Meet the Interns” Fundraising evening November 6th with twelve of our Artizo Interns in attendance.  We also heard how Artizo is working successfully in many ministries, not only here in the Lower Mainland but also in Ontario and Quebec.

As you may already know, our Director of Training, Eric Thurston through much prayerful deliberation and in counsel with the Artizo Board, has decided to return to Australia.  Eric and his wife, Judy will be returning to Sydney with their three children on January 1st, 2018.  Eric has agreed to take on a role in a larger ministry training program, one that Artizo was also partially modelled on.  We are thankful to God for Eric’s 13 years of service to Artizo during which Artizo has seen significant growth, not just numerically but also strategically.  There are now over 50 graduates working in full time ministry for the kingdom of God.  This year there are 18 interns across Canada, the largest year we have had to date.

The Board has met and will be appointing an interim trainer shortly that will take us through to the end of the 2017/18 Academic year, June 2018. The Board has also agreed to develop formalized search parameters for a longer  term solution and to shape Artizo for the future.

As always, we are grateful to you for your financial support and ask that you continue.  We particularly request that you keep Artizo in your prayers as we go through this period of transition.  Please pray that the Board will be given wisdom to discern the future of Artizo in fulfilling God’s will to identify, develop and equip dynamic men and women with gifts for Christian leadership and who are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.