A leap of faith…

From Rev. Ben Roberts, Artizo Director of Training

We began the year with what felt like a leap of faith: taking on six new apprentices and at the same time adding three new training churches and trainers. But I’m happy to say that our Fall “inflection point” now feels like business as usual.

Our training capability has grown to match the new opportunities we were given this year. Each of our new trainers has proven to be committed and capable, bringing their particular strengths to our program. Sean Love, Jeremy Graham, and Phil Pearson train the apprentices highlighting their unique insights, and have held an Artizo Sunday at their churches, in addition to the weekly commitments of a trainer: helping apprentices refine sermons, giving them ministry opportunities and feedback, providing regular mentoring, and praying for them. Our goal to “train trainers” is proceeding marvelously.

Additionally, the expansion of training churches has led to an expansion of ministry in the wider church. There are catechism programs, youth programs, small groups and many other ministries flourishing across our churches. Many of these wouldn’t exist without our apprentices’ dedication and innovation.

Because of our increased numbers, we’ve added partnerships with additional ANiC parishes to create preaching opportunities and help support their ministers with preaching supply. These partnerships give our apprentices critical experience, support current ministers and Artizo alumni, and build the wider church. Our apprentices have preached in nine different ANiC churches since September, delivering just over 50 sermons to churches across the Lower Mainland, in the valley, and up the Sunshine Coast. The universal feedback we receive from these churches is, “Thank you; send us more.”

Through Artizo, the Lord is answering our prayer that he “raise up laborers for the harvest.” It is happening because apprentices are hearing God’s call, and faithfully and sacrificially answering with their time and talents. It is happening because of the dedication of our many trainers, alumni, local pastors, and volunteers who give their time and make space in their churches for training. It is happening because of the dedication of our board and other volunteers who give their time to plan, communicate, budget and do all the necessary things for an organization to thrive. It is happening because you have given generously to Artizo financially and are committed to supporting this ministry moving forward.

Thank you for all you have enabled us to do this year.