Hello there! My name is Vivian Lee. I was born and raised on the Prairies in Calgary, Alberta. I love reading, painting, and marvelling at mountains – especially the ones you can hike up! 🙂

Over a year ago, I left my job as a lawyer, moved to Vancouver and began my studies at Regent College. I wanted to grow in my faith and love of God, His Word and His church. It was one of the scariest things I have ever done. God has and continues to show His faithfulness every day. Regent has proven to be an immensely rich place for growth. The community I have found there and at St. John’s Vancouver has been an immense gift. I joined Artizo because I wanted to gain a more hands-on experience about what it looks like to live out the theology I am learning in the classroom. I hope that what I am studying can be used to serve and encourage my church community. This year, I am excited to delve into God’s Word and to learn more about how to teach Scripture clearly and faithfully. I am also looking forward to meeting more people who are part of the St. John’s family. If we ever happen to bump into each other, whether on Zoom or in-person, please say hi!


Hello! My name is Josh Drury, my wife’s name is Sarah, and we are from Dallas, Texas. We also have a five year old girl named Riley, whom we adore. We came to Vancouver two years ago to pursue further training towards my becoming a pastor, and Artizo is a perfect fit alongside my seminary education. Artizo is an opportunity for me to engage in more practical training while having my nose in a book for school at the same time. That alone is what I’m most excited about: putting legs on all the things I’ve been learning! Not only that, but I’m excited to do this practical training in an environment that already has a solid structure, godly leadership, and opportunities to be mentored by great teachers and pastors who are many years my senior. My wife is just as thrilled as I am, and that’s a really good sign for what Artizo has on offer.

An interesting fact about myself is I LOVE music and play a few instruments including guitar, piano, mandolin, trumpet (in grade school), and the steering wheel or kitchen table (if it’s a surface, it can be drummed!).