September 2021 – UPDATE
Dear Friends of Artizo,
“Be present, O merciful God, and protect us… so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world, may rest in your eternal changelessness.”
With the world swirling about us, we can find great solace in the constancy of God. During COVID, Michael and I have so thoroughly enjoyed Morning Prayer and Compline online a few times a week. We have never been so grateful for the internet and for the structure that Morning Prayer and Compline can bring to our lives at a time when nothing seems organized, orderly or safe.
These daily offices of the church have also proven to be a fantastic learning ground for our Artizo apprentices as they assist our regular clergy in these online services. It has afforded them huge opportunity to lead services, write and preach brief homilies, lead prayer, and offer pastoral support for so many in the congregation. Apprentices have been blessed by the teaching and leadership of Ben Roberts, Artizo’s Director of Training, Susan Norman, Trainer, and David Short, Executive Director, and by the experience of participating through leadership and getting to know the congregation. The congregation, in turn, has been blessed by the apprentices.
We hope you enjoy the new September video which chronicles Willie Shain-Ross’ experience learning to lead morning prayer on a weekly basis. This is the second of our “Inside Look” videos which attempt to provide a brief glimpse of what it means to be an Artizo apprentice. We hope they are not only useful to those considering training, and to those who might employ an Artizo graduate, but also to you – for you to share with others. A special thank you to Suzie Thomas and Bill Reimer, both members of St. John’s Vancouver and regular morning prayer attendees for their part in the video.
As always, Artizo remains deeply grateful to our supporters. Your support has not been fleeting! Without your prayers and financial support Artizo could not exist, let alone thrive. Last spring we specifically asked for prayer for Ben Roberts as he sought out just the right candidates for Artizo for this fall. With COVID still raging, but a vaccine on the horizon, we were hopeful but not confident about what might happen. Through prayer and with God’s grace wonderful new interns have been identified and are beginning their two-year training journey with Artizo. Next month’s eNews will introduce you to them, and while we will likely not be able to pull off a safe “meet the interns” night this fall we are still hopeful we might yet be able to have you all meet them personally at some point over the next 12 months.
In the meantime, we still cherish your financial support and prayers. If you are able to support this ministry, so vital to the future of the church, we are deeply grateful. You can donate either through the Artizo website or by sending a separate cheque made out to The Artizo Institute to the St. John’s Vancouver office at 2325 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 3J2. Thank you for your support.
Please enjoy the video which takes you alongside Willie Shain as he learns ministry through the administration of Morning Prayer, and if you haven’t yet seen the prequel with Joel Strecker, you can see it here.
With gratitude to you and to God,
Lesley Bentley, Artizo Chair