2024 Meet the Apprentices
Watch video clips from the Meet the Apprentices evening at the VanDusen Floral Hall… […]
Read MoreWatch video clips from the Meet the Apprentices evening at the VanDusen Floral Hall… […]
Read MoreThen, two wonderful people (Hosea and Sarah) asked to meet with me. They had just started attending our church and they wanted to apprentice at St. Peter’s through Artizo! They wanted to learn to be leaders at our church! They wanted to serve God at St. Pete’s! I was beyond excited. I had so many questions: What is Artizo? How do you pronounce Artizo? What would it take to be a training base? […]
Read MoreAndrew Hochhalter, Ryan Spear, and Jacob Vandiver have finished the Artizo program and are moving into new ministry roles. Ryan and Jacob will each be serving a one-year curacy at St. John’s Vancouver, while Andrew will be moving with his family to Vancouver, Washington to pursue further training in hospital chaplaincy […]
Read MoreWhen my wife Kim and I embarked on this church planting adventure, an experienced planter joked to us, “You might not sit together in church again for years!” We’re one year in and I’m not in the pulpit every Sunday. How did we get to this point? We committed to becoming a training church. […]
Read MoreArtizo is expanding. We welcome St. Peter’s Fireside, St. John’s Richmond and King’s Cross as our new Artizo Institute training churches. This expansion is vital to our mandate to train and equip people for the ministry of God’s word across the country. They allow us to expand the number of interns we can train at one time, and help us in growing other training bases to widen our scope. This is an exciting time for Artizo. […]
Read MoreArtizo is expanding. We welcome St. Peter’s Fireside, St. John’s Richmond and King’s Cross as our new Artizo Institute training churches. This expansion is vital to our mandate to train and equip people for the ministry of God’s word across the country. They allow us to expand the number of interns we can train at one time, and help us in growing other training bases to widen our scope. This is an exciting time for Artizo. […]
Read MoreWhen I started with the Artizo Institute five years ago, I was given a mandate to refresh and renew our curriculum and training methods. We wanted to reinvigorate our ministry and ready ourselves for another twenty years of successful training. To use a building metaphor, this was the work of firming up the foundation that we were building on, and clarifying the blueprints we were working from – making sure our training methods were top notch and our training outcomes were gospel-driven leaders… […]
Read MoreWill Gray…
Meet Richard Sandlin…
Meet Ryan Spear…
Meet Fiona Lee…
Meet AndrewHochholter…
Meet Jacob Vandliver…
Read MoreCURRICULUM PROGRESS The vision of Artizo is “to fill Canada with the sound of God’s word”, and our strategy for accomplishing this is to train gifted young men and women for gospel ministry. But after twenty years of training, it became clear that our program needed to be refreshed and refocused. In particular, our curriculum […]
Read MoreMEET THE 2021 NEW APPRENTICES FIONA LEE My name is Fiona Lee. I was born in Canada and raised in Hong Kong. My major is Traditional Chinese Medicine focusing on Herbal study. I researched in related areas for three years after I graduated from the university. Prior to this, I went on several mission trips, […]
Read MoreSeptember 2021 – UPDATE Dear Friends of Artizo, “Be present, O merciful God, and protect us… so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world, may rest in your eternal changelessness.” With the world swirling about us, we can find great solace in the constancy of God. During COVID, […]
Read MoreJune 2021 – UPDATE Dear Friends, This May marks my third full year as the director of training for the Artizo Institute, and the move to refresh and refocus our training program. We’ve pursued this by consolidating our training within St. John’s Vancouver while developing and strengthening our curriculum. After three fantastic years of growth, […]
Read MoreNovember 2020 – UPDATES We’ve had a fantastic year of training and growth despite the challenges and disruptions of COVID-19. So far, we’ve been able to meet together in-person every week (with appropriate physical distancing measures) which has been invaluable for our cohesion as a cohort and ease of feedback and training exercises. From a […]
Read MoreDear Artizo family, If you are like me, since the beginning of COVID-19 you’ve heard from almost every organization, business and individual you have ever had contact with. Everyone seemed to want to tell me how they were managing COVID-19. While this note from Artizo may seem a little late, I hope it won’t get […]
Read MoreDear Friends of Artizo, I would like to share with you some exciting news, The Artizo Institute and St. John’s Vancouver wish to announce the appointment of a new Director of Training, Ben Roberts. This comes after extensive review, consultation and prayer and it represents a strategic fresh start for the Artizo programme. Ben will […]
Read MoreBefore I began Artizo, it would be fair to say that I was lost in many ways. I didn’t know it at the time, and neither did those around me. On paper, things looked great. I was 32 years old when I began Artizo, and had received a call to full time ministry at the […]
Read MoreEric Thurston has been Director of Training at The Artizo Institute from 2004 – 2017. While a lot has changed in thirteen years, Eric gives four reason for Artizo Canada. Why does anyone do anything? We all have our reasons, but thirteen years ago, I decided it was time to return to Canada from Australia […]
Read MoreWhere are you from? What is your family like? What’s your life like these days? I am from Vancouver, where I’ve lived essentially my whole life. I grew up at St. John’s, went to UBC, and to Regent after that. I’ve been married for a little over six years. My wife and I have a […]
Read MoreDear Friends of Artizo, I am writing to you to update you on what is happening with The Artizo Institute. First of all, I am happy to report that we had a very successful “Meet the Interns” Fundraising evening November 6th with twelve of our Artizo Interns in attendance. We also heard how Artizo is […]
Read MoreOne of the key things Artizo strives to do is to help young men and women develop their ability to teach the Bible so they will grow as ministers of the Word of God. Training in teaching the Word happens in many contexts for interns; from teaching kids in Sunday school to working with a […]
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